Here are some frequently asked questions about bizisha. If you don't find your question here please contact us so that we can answer you accordingly.

  • Bizisha is a professional online market platform meant to connect buyers and sellers within bungoma county.

  • Yes, Bizisha is absolutely free. With a free version users can access every service offered at bizisha. However, there is a paid version which raises user previlages as compared to a free version. With a paid version, users increases their sales by encreased number of bump up ads, featured ads and making their accounts verified by bizisha. To check our premium packages please click on a GoPro button.

  • Yes, Bizisha allows various categories for example you can list services you offer so as to get hired or alternatively you can post a job vacancy for your company and get responce from most professional qualifiers.

  • You can chat with other users via default platform's messaging option. The Whatsapp option is also added for user convenience.

  • Yes, the users can renew their expired Ads by bumping them up.

Bizisha App
Bizisha App